Basic level

Parts of the body:

Flashcards (

Lesson idea + worksheet + solution (

Ten worksheets (+ solution): colouring, how would this person look, crossword, ... (pdf;

4  lots of videos about the parts of the body (

5  lots of videos about health (


1  Health words: drag and drop (

2  Describing symptoms: lesson idea + handout (

Emergency services: flashcards with words/ without words (choose from the right column,

Three worksheets (+ solutions): accident - call 999, at the doctor's, healthy eating (pdf;

5  Online game about health: read the clues and guess the health words (

Eating healthy, a story by Andrew Frinkle (text, questions, key): minimum: three years English


Intermediate level

Health and Safety: something to talk about, healthy activities (doc, ppt) (

Reporting emergencies: tutor support + two student handouts (pdf,

Health - mindmap (jpg;

Doctor's appointment: 2 listening activities (+ teacher's key), flashcards, vocabulary sheet (

Doctor's directions: 2 dialogues (+teacher's key), flashcards, crossword, vocabulary (