Basic level

World famous places: two worksheets (pdf,

Countries and nationalities: 22 exercises (

Travel: four worksheets (pdf,

Countries and nationalities (ten worksheets+solution): earth, Europe, Great Britain, sightseeing in London, US states, travelling, ... (pdf;

Travelling - ten worksheets (+ solutions): at a hotel/ airport/ beach, public transport, traffic signs, travelling through the USA (pdf;

6  Online game about countries and nationalities: put the words into the correct groups (

Countries and languages: short interactive quiz (

8  lots of videos about countries and nationalities (

Intermediate level

1  Sightseeing in London (pdf,

2  Facts about different countries, history, people, famous people, school system, bank holidays and church festivals (reading + questions, online exercises): United Kingdom, USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Malta, Jamaica, Bahamas.

Talking about countries: tutor support + handout (pdf: countries of the world) (

Tourism: travel and culture vocabulary, booking a room/ holidays, roleplay: hotel, airport,... (pdf,

Different kinds of cities: complete lesson plan with different exercises (pdf,