1 Eight worksheets about hobbies and vacation activities (scrollen!): indoor-outdoor, words, interview,
activities, ... (esl-galaxy.com)
2 Hobbies and holiday activities - 34 flashcards (pdf, A4; english-4kids.com)
3 Introducing people: likes and dislikes; activity cards (pdf)
4 Butterfly: read the instruction and make a butterfly (pdf, aduis.at)
5 Toys vocabulary quiz: interactive (english-4kids.com)
6 lots of videos about hobbies and sports (englishvideolesson.com)
1 Online game about different types of animals: put the words into the correct groups (britishcouncil.com)
2 Online games and jokes about farm animals: How many sentences can you make? (britishcouncil.com)
3 Online game about pets: How many sentences can you make? (britishcouncil.com)
4 Interactive game: zoo animals (pirate game, eslgamesplus.com)
5 Two nice cartoon stories: The animal
shelter, No dogs! (britishcouncil.com)
6 lots of videos about animals (englishvideolesson.com)
1 Musical instruments: easy interactive game - strings percussion, wind (britishcouncil.com)
2 Musical instruments: Word scramble (pdf, esltower.com)
3 I like music: reading, talking, writing .. a lesson (pdf, 8 pages; kamenjev-co.si)
1 Vocabulary: picture dictionary, audio, worksheets (pdf), guess the words, test your memory, ...
2 Sports and Olympics: interactive word puzzle (englishmedialab.com)
3 Sports/ sporting rules: two worksheets + solution (pdf; aduis.at)
1 Talking: Friends, fashion, hobbies (pdf; eslflow.com)
2 Sports (Olympic Games, Soccer,...) and animals: dolphins, cats,... (ego4u.com)
3 Sport vocabulary exercise: worksheet + solution (pdf, autoenglish.org)
4 Guys - girls - sports: phrases (also provided as audio files) about volleyball, swimming, baseball,
soccer, softball, tennis, football (talkenglish.com)