1 Fruits: different worksheets (pdf): crossword, word search, word chop, ...(esltower.com): scrollen!
2 Twelve worksheets (+solutions): dialogue, animals and food, fruit and vegetable, healthy eating, ...
(pdf; aduis,at)
3 Quiz - food: this online quiz can be played by one or two players (britishcouncil.org)
4 Interactive games: 7 different
games (eslgamesplus.com), memory game (angles365.com),
33 exercises (agendaweb.org)
5 lots of videos about food and drinks (englishvideolesson.com)
1 lots of worksheets about: food, drink, breakfast, restaurants, cooking, questions and dialogues (ordering,...), eating habits, categories, shopping list, discussion worksheet, quizzes, games (www.eslflow)
2 unit: food and making arrangements: two videos, videosript and games about food vocabulary (scroll!)
3 healthy breakfast: short text + pictures, worksheets: unhealthy breakfast, family meals, read aloud, cooking alphabetize cards, how to set a table, cooking Bingo with 25 cards Bingo calling cards, fresh fruit photo PowerPoint
4 Food invented by accident: short words game, listening task and quiz (quia.com)
5 Different interesting articles/games... about food (henry4school.fr)
Ordering a meal:
1 Video: listen to a dialogue + complete a dialogue (6'04", YouTube)
2 Role-play: lesson plan, dialogue, menu (esl.about.com)
3 At the restaurant: menu, reading, interactive exercises, worksheets (britishcouncil.org)
1 breakfast: 1.1 interactive book + game (quia.com) 1.2 words, interactive game (englishexercises.org) 1.3 unhealthy breakfast, worksheet (pdf, elcivics.com) 1.4 short text, worksheets (pdf, elcivics.com)
2 food: 2.1 short text, worksheets (pdf, elcivics.com)
3 fruits: 3.1 short text, worksheets (pdf, elcivics.com)
4 vegetables: 4.1 short text, ppt (elcivics.com)
5 grocery store: 5.1 short text, worksheet, puzzle (pdf, elcivics.com)
6 healthy foods: 6.1 short text, worksheets (pdf, elcivics.com)
7 restaurant: 7.1 short text, worksheets (pdf, elcivics.com)
8 supermarket: 8.1 lesson plan, handout, flashcards (nc-net.info)
9 organic food: 9.1 vocabulary, text, quiz (englishclub.com)